- Difficulty: Easy
- Author: stuxnet
- Link:
A machine tailored towards beginners, Dav focuses on exploiting WebDav, which expands the standard of HTTP headers and methods and allows a user to create, move and edit files, as well as, being able to delete or copy them. As a result, the web server almost functions like a file server. Note: Sometimes authentication is required to access the /webdav folder.
Learning moments: Dav will provide a better understanding of what can occur when default credentials are not changed, and furthermore, provide evidence of exploitable sudo access to a non-privileged user.
- Nmap: As always, a thorough nmap scan of the machine was conducted and the contents saved to a file named scan. All 65535 ports were scanned, and aggressive detection was enabled. The timing was set to 4 (higher is faster). Output:

- Gobuster: HTTP is running; thus we can perform a directory brute-force of possible folders which may direct our exploitation. Command: gobuster dir -w /opt/dir/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u
Output: A /webdav folder was found; corresponding with the name of the machine. Let's take a look at the server. **Note:** the IP address changed as the machine restarted.

The server is asking for credentials. While a brute-force is possible, finding default credentials may be a viable first option, before taking those steps. It may save time. A quick search for webdav default credentials leads to this site.
Inputting those default credentials provides us with direct access. A file passwd.dav is located within this directory. It contains the hash of the default user's password.

- Cadaver: The techniques available for exploiting WebDav are listed here. The simplest? Install cadaver which is a command-line client for Unix-based systems and upload a reverse shell onto the /webdav folder.
- Netcat: The reverse shell has been uploaded to the folder. Now, we must open a listening connection, and wait for the machine to connect to our attacking machine. Command:
nc -nvlp 4444
Heading over to the web-server, simply clicking the reverse shell will initiate a connection.
Over on the attacking machine, there is a successful remote connection.

Privilege escalation
Knowing the level of access the current user has is vital. The command: sudo -l
lists a user's sudo privileges. Sometimes, this command may ask you for a password; if it is not known, then unfortunately, this will not work.

The (ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/cat
line informs the user that this binary can be run with sudo privileges. As a result, we can output the contents of any file. Files usually secured by safe permissions like /etc/shadow
are now vulnerable to being openly readable by a low-privilege user. Thus, user password hashes can then be copied and cracked offline.

The command works. This means we can print out the contents of any file that we wish. There are two we are particularly interested in: user.txt
and root.txt
. Firstly, however, we must find exactly where these files are located. The find
command will be most useful here.
find / -name user.txt 2>/dev/null
find / -name root.txt 2>/dev/null
The /
tells find
to search in the root directory for a specific name. In this case, user.txt
and root.txt
. The 2>/dev/null
ensures that errors are not visible in the output. However, the find command will produce no output (in my case) when finding root.txt
. Although, fortunately, it usually resides in /root/root.txt

We can now print the contents of these files.

The machine has been successfully exploited. This machine provides us with a few learning moments. In order to eradicate these flaws, one should:
Firstly, change default user credentials and remove the hash file from such an an easily accessible folder.
Secondly, change the level of privilege
has. This line within/etc/sudoers
must be removed immediately.
If this was a real machine, the company would strongly be recommended the principle of least-privilege. Here, users are given the minimum levels of access or permissions needed to perform a particular job or function. A web server user should not have this type of access.